Friday, September 21, 2012

Money under my mattress. Romney, hidden cash flow..?

            I am still wrapping my head around everything that ties into politics and what arguments are brought fourth when  each candidate is painting beautiful pictures of themselves and goblin masks on their opponents.  After reading an article published in The Houston Chronicle about Romney's federal taxes, I am shocked.  First of all, the numbers seem so unreal when the digits keep going in the amount of money our president/candidates/future presidents are making and giving in taxes.  It is shocking to me that Romney is paying less because of the WAY his income is made, opposed to the middle class people who work year round for it.  Don't get my wrong, I'm sure Romney works, but what ARE these investments.  It seems the entire article is around the specifics of what was paid, not paid, percentages in comparison to the rest of us common folk.  A good chunk of it seems almost tattling and at first seemed a bit petty to throw things in the others face, but what it comes down to is the withheld information.  If Romney refuses to share his background in taxes and where his money has been going and coming from internationally, then what else is he hiding?  It kind of rattles thoughts.  I don't think we want to discover things about him throughout his presidency.  I'd like to think that honesty is the only way to really be able to claim this nation to be the best.  If he wanted my vote, he'd have to start at the root with all honesty & cards on the table.  Personally, even if it turns out that he was holding cash for selfish purposes.. I would rather know that now to give him a clean slate.